List points of interest

Title Tracks
Seismic station of the Geophysical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences In the footsteps of Police Modrava I. - walking circuit
Educational trail through gold miners way In the footsteps of Police Modrava I. - walking circuit
Historical Motorcycle Museum, Exposition of Czech toys In the footsteps of Police Modrava I. - walking circuit
Václav Fiala's park Route behind water
Josef Kruml's villa Route behind water
House with a turret nb. 614 and writer Ignát Herrmann's statue Route behind water
Pool at Chotěboř Route behind water
Villa Rieger educational trail from the forest to the Valley of Doubrava
Villa Karel Havlíček Borovský educational trail from the forest to the Valley of Doubrava
Villa Jiří Poděbradský educational trail from the forest to the Valley of Doubrava
Sokolohrady (former castle) educational trail from the forest to the Valley of Doubrava
Saint Anna Chapel educational trail from the forest to the Valley of Doubrava
Opolenec (village) In the footsteps of Police Modrava II. - Circuit for cyclists
Annín (village) In the footsteps of Police Modrava II. - Circuit for cyclists
Light fortification museum In the footsteps of Police Modrava II. - Circuit for cyclists
Dlouhá Ves (double house village) In the footsteps of Police Modrava II. - Circuit for cyclists

Saint Moritz Church In the footsteps of Police Modrava II. - Circuit for cyclists

Klášterský Mlýn (villa) In the footsteps of Police Modrava II. - Circuit for cyclists
Small town Rejštejn In the footsteps of Police Modrava II. - Circuit for cyclists
Information center Kašperské Hory In the footsteps of Police Modrava II. - Circuit for cyclists
In the footsteps of Police Modrava I. - walking circuit
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